Thriller Paradise

Chapter 478

With a clang, the hand raised and the cleaver chopped at the director’s neck. Feng Bujue had no time for the man’s raving. Since the main quest told him to kill the director, then there had to be a way to kill this boss. But... the cleaver was bounced back easily like it hit a plate of steel. The copper coins that grew on the director’s body was not a decoration. When he was still alive, he was already a monster covered in steely skin.

[What the fuck...] Brother Jue cursed internally. Due to his overly powerful swing, the rebound stunned and numbed his arm. It bounced the cleaver away from his grasp. Now Brother Jue was truly helpless and armless.

“Hmph... since you are not going to help me... then die!” The director’s large body lunged out from behind the table. He used his large hands to strangle Feng Bujue and cursed. “When you’re a ghost, I will make you understand the true meaning of pain! Ha ha ha ha ha...” He started to laugh. “You little bastard, who told you to mingle with the nurses? Who gave you permission to come late for work?!” With every accusation, his fingers dug deeper and deeper into Feng Bujue’s neck. “Did I allow you to nap during your shift!? And you even went further to steal blood for the patients?! Do you know how much precious and expensive resource you have wasted?”

The grapple on his neck suffocated Feng Bujue and his consciousness was fading. This kind of mental torture would undeniably increase the speed of Leicester’s physical death. Once Brother Jue’s Life Points dropped to zero, then Leicester would officially ‘die’. He would turn into an actual ghost and then the player’s consciousness would be teleported away and Leicester...well one could guess what would happen to him.

“Those are all my money! Mine!” The director growled and howled. “Do you think I am doing a charity here? Building this hospital? To save the injured and poor? You bastard! This is a business... do you understand? I need those people to come here and get cursed so they won’t be able to leave... until they die and clear up their beds for more people who was lining up to come in to pay me money. Of course... those with extra money will get special permission to cut the queue.” He glared harshly at Feng Bujue and a disgusting smile hung on his face. “Oh... right, your girlfriend, what’s her name already... Ophelia, Chad’s dumb sister, how do you think she died? It was because she had a useless boyfriend and a useless brother, they could only afford the cheapest medical service... hmph... so I added a little something into her meds and helped her move on earlier than she should... Could you really blame me? She was taking up valuable space that could have been given to other people who would have paid better. Do you really think the hospital will take care of her? Hah!”

The director had already lost his mind. He forgot that he was talking to a ‘traveller from another world’. The words that would have stung for Leicester had practically little to no effect on Feng Bujue. When he had his hold on Feng Bujue’s neck, the resentment that he had been harbouring for years exploded. Looking at Leicester’s face, he unloaded all the venom that he had been cultivating for years.

“Something’s not right... I will die if this continues...” Even at that dangerous moment, Brother Jue’s mind was still spinning. He was combing his mind and he realized things were not clicking into place as they should. “Did I trigger some kind of sure death event during the process or before I came here? How to kill this boss... this thing is so much more powerful than I am. He is practically invincible, there is no way I am able to harm him much less kill him in the state that I am in currently.” He checked the game menu, the inventory and skill tab were still locked and he could not use his sorcery weapon... well, he was truly trapped...

As he saw his Life Points rapidly dropped to below 20 percent, finally... thing changed. And Brother Jue was given a sight of hope.

With a crack on the ground...


The golden tile was smashed through by a giant force, an arm as thick as a leg shot through the shot and accurately grabbed at the director’s ankle.

[Fuck... Does the system have to wait for me to be almost dead to trigger the next event?] Feng Bujue cursed inside his heart. The next second, the director let go of Leicester and looked below him. Then his face registered with shock. “Who is it? Impossible!” As he shouted, he bent over to bash at the giant arm but his attack... was like small raindrops, it was useless. Then with more tiles crumbling, the owner of the arms climbed through the ground to reach this third level.

“You son of a bitch...” Chad’s head cursed loudly. The monster was radiating pure anger. With a leap, he steadied himself and swooped in to pick up the director with one swell move. “I will make you pay!”

Bang bang bang...

Punches as big as metallic pots fell on the director. It was like a boxer training for battle but the punching bag was ringing like metals.

“You... brainless... imbecile...” The director was being continuously whacked by Chad and was seriously injured as more and more cracks appeared all over his body.

“yes, I am an imbecile.” Chad replied, “I was never known for my intelligence and always get bullied. But my best friend never made fun of me, and neither had my little sister. They have always supported me, seen me through the difficulty of life. We are normal people, with meagre pay and not much social standing but we are happy, unlike people like you... who would hurt others for your own greed.” At this point, Chad raised both of his hands. He raised the director above his head and shouted. “In this world, I only have two family. You’ve already killed one, I won’t let you kill another.”

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