Harem Overlord

Chapter 140 The Queen Of Necromancy (End)(Chapter Preview)

Pink sparks danced around Esmeralda\'s fingers as elves began to rise from the ground beside her.

Many undead elves rose quickly and firmed a group of 50 undead together. Kai just looked at them as though they were bugs that were about to be trampled under his feet.

His angel wings appeared on his back as his pupils became cross-shaped. Esmeralda was so startled that she suddenly stopped on her spot.

"White wings." She mumbled as Kai took out Excalibur and slaughtered all the undead in one single move.

"What are y-" Esmeralda began but suddenly stopped short as she saw Kai coming towards her.

She raised her hands as the dark element swirled around them. She used it to create a shield in front of her as Kai brought his sword down.

For a second, it looked as though Esmeralda\'s shield was going to survive but Excalibur swallowed the entire shield in one go.

Excalibur touched Esmeralda\'s elbow and she suddenly felt all of her yin energy slowly evaporating away.

She tried to pull away but Kai moved with lightning speed and hit her head with the hilt of his sword.

Normal swords weren\'t able to knock high-level cultivators unconscious with such a simple technique but since Excalibur was a powerful sword and was opposite Esmeralda\'s yin energy, it was able to do that in just one hit.

Kai then laid her down on the ground as he went through her memories to check which type of seal she had.

And that\'s when he saw an unknown seal on her mind. He couldn\'t identify it nor did he had any idea on how to remove it.

"This is not good." Kai muttered as he then checked the rest of her memories.

And he was surprised by what he saw. Esmeralda and Hela had been born to the same family of elves on the land of lightning.

Hela was born a year earlier from Esmeralda and the parents had been shocked when they saw the amount of yin energy she had.

But they were even more shocked when they saw Esmeralda had the same amount of energy. They didn\'t see this for a few years but they later realized that Hela and Esmeralda weren\'t developing pointy years.

Elves were born with normal ears that grew pointy a few years later. All the elves got pointy years when they were five to six years old but neither Hela nor Esmeralda had those.

The parents started getting paranoid as they started paying close attention to Esmeralda and Hela.

They saw how Esmeralda summoned the body of a recently dead elf back to life while they saw plants dying from Hela\'s touch.

They were so frightened that they actually tried to kill both the children but failed miserably. They cursed their fates as with heavy hearts, they took the children to the land of death and dropped them on the entrance of it.

\'So they were Amon\'s parents.\' Kai thought in surprise as he saw Esmeralda\'s memories in which the parents were talking about Amon and how their children were cursed.

They thought that Amon would kill the two children and they left them there and went back to their home.

The two girls were left standing near a black barrier-covered continent and the raging ocean. Hela gently held Esmeralda\'s hand as the two sisters decided to walk inside the barrier.

And surprisingly, they managed to do it. They easily crossed the barrier as Amon felt two new auras enter in his spiritual sense.

But the weird thing was that the auras belonged to girls. He immediately appeared beside them as the two little girls stared at him in fear.

But they didn\'t back off and stood there bravely as Amon looked at their appearance. He then touched Hela\'s cheeks with his hand as his eyes suddenly widened and his hand retracted.

He looked at Hela as though she was a goddess and then looked at Esmeralda with a similar gaze.

He took the two children to his castle and slowly tried to gain information about them. It took him some while but the children finally told him about their past.

When Amon found out that the two girls were actually his sisters, he laughed out loud as his eyes glinted with the remains of his past.

What happened later was something Kai could never believe he would get to see. It looked as though Hela remembered who she was but she decided to stay here.

This meant that she didn\'t want to go back to her original life.

He saw through Esmeralda\'s life how Hela became the ruler and revealed her true form. He saw Amon bowing down to her and he saw her conquering the entire place.

He felt Esmeralda\'s emotions as he saw her killing people and getting a liking to it. He also saw her reading smut at night and touching herself a little.

That\'s when Kai came back into the real world as his face was set into an expressionless face. He created some formations around Esmeralda as he looked at the group with emotionless eyes.

"Stay around be and be on alert. Just think about me if something happens and I will come back." Kai instructed as he sat down in a lotus pose and closed his eyes.

"Can\'t I see it more than once?" Kai remembered the question he read asked the person who had handed him the pendant.

"It\'s cause most people can\'t handle looking at their soul twice. But there have been some who were able to do it and summon the pathway on their own accord." Kai remembered as he started focusing.

He didn\'t think about his soul, he started thinking about Aizza and how her face looked when she had been in her embrace.

He remembered their happiest memories as his body was suddenly surrounded with a bright yellow glow.

His body started shimmering before he vanished and left the group and Esmeralda alone near the castle.

"You called for me?" Aizza\'s voice rang out in his as he directly appeared in the room that was his soul.

He looked at her mist form and nodded. His face was still emotionless and Aizza couldn\'t figure out what happened.

Being attached to his soul, she only saw certain things on the outside and that was when his emotionless were running rampage.

But right now, Kai\'s emotions were numb and it was as though he couldn\'t feel anything anymore.

"What happened?" Aizza gently asked as she looked him into the eyes.

"Hela already remembers everything." He told her as he stared back into her eyes.

No matter how much Aizza tried, she couldn\'t mask her surprise as her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly.

"This means that even after remembering everything, she doesn\'t want to go back to her past life and she wants to kill people." Kai explained as Aizza stepped back a little with her face hung low.

She looked up at him a few minutes later and a bitter smile covered her face as she clenched her hands at her side.

"Do you know what we were before we became the elemental rulers?" Aizza asked as Kai shook his head.

"I tried asking you but you will decline to tell me even before I finished speaking." Kai said as Aizza\'s smile turned less bitter.

"Before I became an elemental ruler, I used to be a demon." Aizza slowly said as Kai\'s eyes widened in surprise.

"You, a demon?" He asked as Aizza nodded.

"Can\'t believe that someone like me was a demon? At that time, even I couldn\'t believe that I was such a failure. Just like the vessel that Azy possessed." Aizza said as her smile turned sad.

Kai on the other hand sighed at the name Azy.

"You never call him Azazel." Kai said as Aizza shook her head.

"All of us are the same, Kai. We are just puppets being played by the creators. Me, Hela, Azy, Death, you, Her." Aizza said as Kai flinched a little but she didn\'t notice it.

"The only difference is how we react to it. When I was a demon, I met Azy and Hela and both of them were angels." Aizza told him as his eyes widened again.

It looked as though the day was still full of plenty of surprises. One after the other, they followed Kai throughout his day.

"Hela and Azy were both overly aggressive for the supposedly peace-loving angels. They didn\'t fall under the creators balance and neither did I. So when we met, we immediately became friends and started sharing our past incidents. But perhaps we got too friendly or crossed an uncrossable boundary since the next thing we knew was that all three of us were getting cursed by the creators.

Azazel became someone who enjoyed fun in others suffering and his wings turned black and his eyes also changed to demon eyes. Hela\'s aggressiveness took over her and she started killing for fun and could not spend an hour sitting still unless she killed someone. Her wings too turned black. As for me, I was cursed to always stay nice to anyone I met and I could hurt anyone even if they were trying to kill me. And I didn\'t have any wings but I grew white ones ti symbolizes my so called purity." Aizza said with a sad smile as the entire place plunged into silence.

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