Almighty Coach

Chapter 45: This Is Not Broadcast Exercise

Dai Li completely understood why Zhongyi Xu didn’t believe the slimming exercise worked.

Seven kilograms in twenty days was a very difficult challenge for the average person, let alone athletes who needed to use even more effort to lose weight. People with an average IQ wouldn’t believe that a slimming exercise could help Feifei Yu lose seven kilograms. But although Xu was very impulsive, he was not stupid. On the contrary, he was actually quite smart. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to become the main coach for the provincial swimming team.

Xu was very angry when he saw that Dai Li was teaching Feifei Yu something as basic as a broadcast exercise. He was ready to beat Li up. However, now he had calmed down, and his normal reasoning had returned. He didn’t believe the effects of the slimming exercise, and came to the conclusion that Yu’s weight loss was due to illness. He planned to take Yu to the hospital and do a medical examination.

"Coach, listen. I’m not sick. I couldn’t be healthier," Yu explained.

"How could you lose so much weight if you are not sick? Feifei, listen to me. We are going to the hospital tomorrow." Zhongyi Xu looked at Yu worriedly.

"Coach, I lost weight because of Coach Li’s exercise," Yu repeated. However, Xu didn’t take it seriously, and still insisted on taking Yu to the hospital.

Finally, Li stated, "Coach Xu, if you don’t believe my slimming exercise works and you look down upon it, why don’t you just follow me and see if it works or not for yourself."

"Try your broadcast exercise?" Xu looked very reluctant.

"Coach Xu, you just said that it’s easy to say but difficult to perform. So why don’t we just do it and see!" Li smiled confidently and continued, "Do a set of slimming exercises with me. If there is no effect, then I’ll admit that I’m a liar. Would you like to try and expose the fact?"

"Why not? I’ll uncover your fraud right now!" If Xu rejected his proposal now, it would make him look like he was afraid. So, he made up his mind and agreed to take the challenge.

Li had gotten the answer he wanted, and his eyes were glittering. He put Xu on the training list. Xu used to be an athlete, which meant the System put him in the category of professional athletes, even though he was retired. Because of that, he could fully benefit from the effects of the slimming exercises.

Then Li said, "Coach Xu, let’s start it slowly since you haven’t practiced before. You might need some time to get familiar with the moves."

Dai Li was prodding him into action. Xu acted exactly the way Li wanted. He waved his hand and said, "Don’t bother! Let’s do it as fast as we can. This low-level broadcast exercise is not gonna get me. I knew of your tricks dozens of years ago! I’ll catch on without making any mistakes."

"Alright, let’s get started! Ready...go!" Dai Li chanted. "One and two, three and four, five and six, and seven and eight..."


Xu couldn’t be more careless. He looked at Li with his eyes full of sarcasm.

Playing tricks. He thinks he can grab any old broadcast exercise, change a few moves, and make it a slimming exercise. Well he might be able to fool the ordinary person who works out in the gym, but not a professional coach like me!

He snorted to himself and felt a warm stream inside of his body. It spread all over very quickly. It was like a cozy sunshine during a cold winter that fell on his body, filling every cell with spring-like warmth. A strange feeling occurred in his body. As an experienced coach, he’d never experienced anything like this.

It’s nothing. I should feel hot because I’m doing exercise. It is like when people do warm-ups, they sweat too! It’s because this room is too hot. It must be.

He tried to calm himself down, but the feeling was getting stronger. It went to his veins, and even into his bones. Xu could feel all the cells waking up in his body, as if they were doing exercise with him on the same tempo.

What’s wrong? Why do I have this strange feeling? Am I delusional? Xu took a deep breath and looked at Li with a serious expression.

"One and two, three and four..." Li was still chanting. To Xu, it sounded like the beat of drum motivating soldiers to move forward. It kept him following every movement that came afterward.

It’s nothing but a broadcast exercise. There is no way that it could make him lose seven kilograms. I need to believe in science. Xu comforted himself again.

Finally, the exercise was finished. Li and Xu stopped at the same time.

"How do you feel, Coach Xu?" Li asked.

"Childish!" Xu pouted and acted as if he was calm. "I was the one who lead students through the broadcast exercise when I was a student in the sports school."

Li didn’t pay much attention to his bragging. He pointed to the scale. "You were 85.53kg a few minutes before. Let’s see if you have lost any weight or not."

"Are you crazy? Your exercise didn’t last twenty minutes. It took less energy than swimming 200 meters. Look, I didn’t sweat at all. Lose weight? Where did the sports university find a psycho like you?" Xu was very annoyed, and felt insulted.

"My slimming exercise works whether you sweat or not. Besides, it works after the first time," Li said. He wasn’t afraid of anything.

"After the first time? Okay, I’ll show you reality." He walked to the scale quickly.

Xu stood on the scale and balanced his body until the number on the screen stopped fluctuating. He looked down and felt very nervous once he saw the number.

85.21kg? How heavy was I before? Right, 85.53kg. I dropped 0.32kg? This goes against nature. Is there something wrong with this scale? Suddenly his mind was full of chaos.

There had only been twenty minutes between the first and second time he weighed himself, yet the difference was 0.32 kilograms. If he had gone to the restroom during that period, it would be understandable. However, he hadn’t gone anywhere. As he had said, he hadn’t even broken a sweat. Now he couldn’t explain why he had lost 0.32 kilograms.

Li walked over to him and looked at the number on the scale. "Coach Xu, you lost 0.32 kilograms. It seems like my exercise is working well."

Slimming exercise! Now, even if he didn’t truly believe it, he had to face the music and admit it worked. In the last twenty minutes, he had done nothing but argue with Li and do the exercise. There was no way that arguing had helped him lose 0.32 kilograms, so the only explanation was that the exercise worked.

How’s that possible! The slimming exercise I did is almost the same as a broadcast exercise. It’s not difficult at all, so it shouldn’t help me burn a lot of calories. Did I take my keys and wallet out of my pocket? He searched his pocket and found his keys and wallet still there.

So, this exercise really does work? He looked at Li with an astonished expression and tried to find the answer on Li’s face.

Li smiled. "Coach Xu, now you should believe me. This exercise really works. That’s how Yu was able to drop seven kilograms in twenty days. Now you have done it with me, and even you dropped 0.32kg yourself."

The truth was there. Coach Xu had to believe it. He stepped off the scale and fell into silence.

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